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The NPDP Certification Exam is open to professionals of all levels, including product managers, engineers, designers, marketers, and researchers. NPDP exam is divided into two parts: a multiple-choice test and a written essay. The multiple-choice test consists of 175 questions, and candidates have four hours to complete it. The essay portion is designed to test a candidate's ability to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. In order to pass the exam, candidates must score 70% or higher on both the multiple-choice test and the essay. Once certified, professionals can use the NPDP designation after their name, indicating to employers and clients that they have achieved a high level of expertise in product development.

The NPDP certification is highly valued by employers and is recognized as a mark of excellence in the product development field. Earning the certification demonstrates a commitment to professional development and a dedication to staying current with industry trends and best practices. The NPDP certification can also lead to increased job opportunities and higher salaries, making it a valuable investment for product development professionals looking to advance their careers.

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NPDP Reliable Test Testking, NPDP Valid Exam Test

Our company employs a professional service team which traces and records the popular trend among the industry and the latest update of the knowledge about the NPDP exam reference. We give priority to keeping pace with the times and providing the advanced views to the clients. We keep a close watch at the most advanced social views about the knowledge of the test NPDP Certification. Our experts will renovate the test bank with the latest NPDP exam practice question and compile the latest knowledge and information into the questions and answers.

The NPDP exam covers a wide range of topics related to product development, including product strategy, market research, design and development, testing and validation, and launch and commercialization. It is intended for professionals who are involved in product development, including product managers, engineers, designers, and project managers. Product Development Professional (NPDP) Certification Exam certification serves as a benchmark for employers to identify candidates who possess the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to the success of their product development initiatives.

PDMA Product Development Professional (NPDP) Certification Exam Sample Questions (Q163-Q168):

In a test market, a representative piece of the total market is chosen for a dress rehearsal of the product and its marketing plan.

  • A. False
  • B. True

Answer: B

A test market involves selecting a representative piece of the total market to conduct a trial run or "dress rehearsal" of a product and its marketing plan. This approach helps to evaluate the product's performance, gather feedback, and make any necessary adjustments before a full-scale launch. The selected test market should ideally mirror the broader target market in terms of demographics, purchasing behavior, and other relevant characteristics to provide accurate and useful insights.
Thus, the correct answer is A: True.
Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2015). Marketing Management. Pearson.
McDaniel, C., & Gates, R. (2013). Marketing Research. Wiley.

Lean manufacturing is aimed at the elimination of waste in every area of production below except

  • A. Supplier networks and factory management
  • B. Packaging design
  • C. Customer relations
  • D. Product design

Answer: B

Lean manufacturing is a systematic method aimed at minimizing waste without sacrificing productivity. It focuses on optimizing efficiency and eliminating waste in various areas of production. Here are the areas it typically targets:
A. Customer relations: Improving interactions and satisfaction with customers. B. Supplier networks and factory management: Enhancing efficiency in the supply chain and within factory operations. C. Packaging design: While packaging can be optimized, it is not a primary focus area of lean manufacturing. D. Product design: Streamlining design processes to reduce waste and improve functionality and manufacturability.
Therefore, the correct answer is C: Packaging design.
Womack, J. P., & Jones, D. T. (2003). Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation. Free Press.
Liker, J. K. (2004). The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer. McGraw-Hill.

The framework, functions, and processes that guide activities in project, program and portfolio management and provide guidance, decision making and oversight is called:

  • A. Project management
  • B. Team leadership
  • C. Governance
  • D. General management

Answer: C

The framework, functions, and processes that guide activities in project, program, and portfolio management and provide guidance, decision-making, and oversight is called governance. Project governance establishes the structure and processes for making decisions, managing performance, and ensuring accountability in project execution. It includes setting policies, defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing controls to ensure that projects align with organizational objectives and are executed effectively (Muller, 2009; PMI,

Which type of team has the following characteristic: Each functional organization designates a liaison person to "represent" it on a project coordination committee?

  • A. Tiger
  • B. Lightweight
  • C. Functional
  • D. Heavyweight

Answer: B

In the context of team structures for new product development, the characteristic described in the question fits a Lightweight team. Here are the key features of different team types and how they relate to the given characteristic:
A. Functional: Teams are organized strictly by functional areas, with limited coordination across functions.
B. Lightweight: In this structure, each functional organization designates a liaison person to "represent" it on a project coordination committee. This setup facilitates communication and coordination between different functional areas without removing team members from their primary functional roles.
C. Tiger: This involves forming a dedicated, cross-functional team taken out of their functional areas to work full-time on the project, providing high focus and autonomy.
D. Heavyweight: A stronger matrix where the project manager has significant authority, but team members are still functionally aligned and involved.
Thus, the correct answer is B: Lightweight.
Clark, K. B., & Wheelwright, S. C. (1992). Organizing and Leading "Heavyweight" Development Teams. California Management Review.
Wheelwright, S. C., & Clark, K. B. (1992). Revolutionizing Product Development: Quantum Leaps in Speed, Efficiency, and Quality. Free Press.

A value proposition should focus on _____________, not ____________?

  • A. Features, benefits
  • B. Revenue, costs
  • C. Benefits, features
  • D. Benefits, costs

Answer: C

A value proposition should focus on benefits, not features. Benefits describe the value and advantages that customers gain from using a product or service, whereas features are the specific attributes or functionalities of the product. Focusing on benefits helps to clearly communicate how the product solves a problem or improves the customer's situation, which is more compelling and persuasive to potential buyers.
Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., & Smith, A. (2014). "Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want". Wiley.
Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). "Marketing Management" (14th ed.). Pearson Education.


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